Archive for Thoughts from The Reader

The Reader Is Back!

OH HEY THERE, blog world!

I’m embarassed to say that it’s been over a year since my last post. To my defense, I’ve been a bit busy since then- namely, quitting my job a year ago and heading out to the big scary world of being my own boss.

And while it’s been a lot of fun, it hasn’t left me a lot of time to do what I love- read- and do something I was really staring to enjoy – blog about it!

So I’m back. And this time, I’m pulling back the proverbial curtain and revealing MY TRUE IDENTITY OH MY GOD. While it was a lot of fun to be the annonymous “Reader,” I find that what generates conversation the most (and what I’m after doing here) is generating conversation. And that’s hard to do, if you don’t know who I am.

With that….

Welcome. I’m Becky.

And I hope you’ll enjoy reading.

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Readers make the best writers….or, not.

Readers, I’m failing miserably.

Don’t get me wrong- I’m still READING like crazy.

I’m just not sharing it.

And isn’t that the whole point of this blog (which, um, admittedly and ironically, NO ONE reads yet – if you’re out there, reader o’ mine, will you please comment and let me know??)

Over the past couple weeks I’ve read several books, including Barbara Kingsolver’s “Prodigal Summer,” always an excellent read, and Ken Follet’s “The Pillars of the Earth,” which I’d read before, several years ago, but wanted to re-read so that I could review it together with “World Without End.” Did I finish it? You bet. Could I write a review on it? Yep. Have I done so?


Luckily for you, I’m in the midst of re-reading a short series I got hooked on a couple years ago, which can only mean one thing- I’m at the bottom of the barrel, and there are new books calling my name! Yard sale this weekend, and I’m off to Half-Price Books and Borders with the proceeds!

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Jodi Picoult, upcoming reviews and new reads!

Yesterday I went to Barnes & Noble with a friend of mine. My mission? To pick up a couple books for my upcoming vacation.

Thanks to my uber- supportive reader Mom, who is awesome enough to buy me a copy of all the books her book club reads, I already had several: “The Secret History” by Donna Tartt, “Blessings” by Anna Quindlen, “The Almost Moon,” by Alice Sebold (which I cannot WAIT to sink my teeth into, having read both “Lucky” and “The Lovely Bones” several years back), “Ghost Story,” by Peter Straub, and finally, “Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man,” by Steve Harvey. Yes, comedian Steve Harvey. I’ve got to say, I’m kind of looking forward to this one.

But then I walked into B&N, stopped dead in my tracks, and (depending on how you want to picture me) may or may not have shrieked a little while jumping up and down giddily. Because, dear readers, JODI PICOULT HAS A NEW BOOK OUT!!!!

I should explain. Probably about 5 years ago now, I picked up “My Sister’s Keeper,” one of Picoult’s fabulous novels, in an airport. I’m pretty sure I had it finished by the time I arrived at my final destination that day. (This was probably a combination of the excellent book and also of my flights being predictably delayed and cancelled, a la “Dear American Airlines,” by Jonathan Miles, who writes a story in the form of a letter being written by a man whose flights have done just that and caused him to miss the culminating event of his life after years of self-exploration to arrive at that point…there’s your mini-review for that one, it’s probably not going to get its own post).

At any rate. “My Sister’s Keeper.” Totally and completely hooked. Since then I’ve acquired the entire rest of her collection, the latest three in hardback because I simply couldn’t wait for them to be more affordable and, let’s face it, I scrap all book-buying rules for Jodi 🙂

So yesterday found me giddily purchasing “Handle With Care.” I’m only 193 pages into it, but I’m pretty confident that my review after I’m done will continue to be along the lines of where it is now, which is, “ohmygod, how does she do this?!”

The book is excellent. As with her other novels, this one explores an incredibly complex scenario from the viewpoint of multiple people- all with a unique, and dare-I-say completely acceptable perspective on the situation. Suffice it to say that these viewpoints don’t always line up, leading the reader to have to discover their own feelings on the situation.

(The rest is NOT a spoiler, since you could learn this reading the book jacket, but if you truly want to know NOTHING about the book before buying it, don’t read on and I’ll see you in my next post!)

“Handle with Care” centers around a child with osteogenesis imperfecta, where bones break easily and a sneeze could result in a cast. (This is an extremely non-medical and simplified explanation; Picoult does an amazing job of providing you the genetic information behind this disease and the statistics on the patients  it affects each year). The question posed of the parents, as they search for the answer to whether or not to sue their physician (who happens to be Mom’s best friend) for medical malpractice, is: Even though you love her, would it be better if she had never been born?

I’m about 1/3 of the way through but with a busy day ahead of me, so look for the review sometime next week. In the meantime, let me know your thoughts about any of the books on my vacation reading list! I also picked up Lee Child’s “Killing Floor”- a Jack Reacher novel, another series I’m a big fan of. Look for future blog posts on Child’s work. Finally, I grabbed “Agnes and the Hitman,” by Jennifer Crusie and Bob Mayer, off the bargain bin shelf. I have to confess I didn’t even read the back, but the title alone was worth the $5.98 for a fun beach read.

Happy reading!

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Legalese, if you please

Ah, dear readers, how legal-minded our society has become. I am feeling compelled to write some brief disclaimers to you so that, henceforth, you can feel comforted in the knowledge that you really are just reading the blog of a book junkie and not any sort of secret, subliminal marketing ploy crafted cunningly by an individual who is, clearly, a genius. A genius plucked from the confines of her cubicle after corporate executives, wiping away tears from her humorous and revealing book reviews, launch a nationwide search to discover her true identity. And give her a really nice salary. And a corporate car. A Prius. (Hey, it’s my dream, and I’m eco-friendly about it, ok?)

Ahem. Back to reality.

The First Official Disclaimer:  I am not in any way compensated by entities including (but not limited to) writers, authors, publishers, editors, and so forth.

The Second Official Disclaimer: I am, however, the extremely well appreciated volunteer editor of my neighborhood’s monthly contribution to a local newspaper. Perhaps you’ve heard of it. More likely not. Rest assured that my literary contributions at present are, largely, confined to this blog with the exception of the infrequent, yet highly regarded, witty write-ups of the neighborhood holiday party extravaganza, or the local Easter Egg Hunt.

The Third Official Disclaimer: All opinions contained herein are my own. Any similarities to others are, as they say in the movies, entirely coincidental.

That’s all for now…..back to my BOOK!

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You probably understand me if…..

….you’ve ever found yourself in a situation where someone has said to you, “Jeez, how do you read so fast?” or, “I can’t believe you’ve already finished that book!” or “What are you reading TODAY?”

Then there’s my perennial favorite, uttered first and foremost by my mother and, since that fateful day, just about every envious incredulous roommate since: “Are you seriously….. blowdrying your hair…. and…reading??”

Yes. Yes I am.

Because, dear readers (I say this with irony as you currently number in the, oh, zero-region, but I have every confidence that my satirical wit, quirky reviews and self-deprecating humor will soon win your love and adoration), I JUST CAN’T STOP READING.

I read in the morning. I read at work on my lunch break if I’m in the middle of Twilight a really good book. I read whilst lazily reclining on my porch swing, on my couch, or enjoying a hot bath. And yes, I read while I’m blowdrying my hair in the morning. And I’m not ashamed to admit it.

So today starts my humble experiment.

I pledge to take my nose OUT of the book and share the joy that I’ve found in reading with you, the audience.

I pledge to tell you what I’ve been reading and…..

I pledge to tell you what I really think about it, not what someone else thinks I should have thought about it.

I pledge to continue in my theory that a book doesn’t have to be intellectual to be worth reading.

And, above all, I pledge to keep reading.

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